Nosso compromisso

Médica e paciente olhando para um tablet
Nosso compromisso na Fresenius Medical Care

Submeter-se à diálise pode causar um impacto substancial na qualidade de vida de um paciente. Por isso, uma das nossas metas é ajudar pacientes a melhorarem sua saúde, de forma que possam continuar a fazer o que é mais importante para eles. Como uma rede de provedores de tratamento de diálise internacional, fornecendo tratamento de diálise em vários países.

A Fresenius Medical Care compromete-se a:

  • Cumprir a responsabilidade da Fresenius Medical Care de criar um futuro digno de ser vivido para os doentes renais.
  • Apoiar a prevenção e abrandar a progressão da DRC;
  • Administrar os melhores cuidados aos pacientes renais com base nas diretrizes nacionais e internacionais;
  • Promover colaboração estreita e transparente entre nefrologistas, hospitais, clínicos gerais, fornecedores de cuidados médicos e pacientes;
  • Capacitar os pacientes com doença renal crônica para ajudá-los a ter um futuro melhor, por meio de uma parceria de confiança  para todos que fazem parte do tratamento de saúde.

O Sistema de Valores da Fresenius Medical Care é nossa solução para equilibrar os processos padronizados e as demandas locais para sistemas de tratamento renal holísticos e interligados, que permite a seleção da abordagem mais adequada para cada paciente em toda a nossa rede.


Envolvimento do paciente

Patient empowerment has a positive impact on patients’ emotional and physical well-being, and consequently, on their behaviour, satisfaction and treatment compliance.
We continuously interact with our patients to understand what matters to them and to support them in health-related topics:
• Introduction to dialysis
• Nutritional education
• Fistula care
• Staying active
• Holiday Dialysis Coordination

For more information please visit our patient section.

Infraestrutura da clínica

A key way for us to provide standardised treatment in workflow-orientated settings is to design the best possible clinical pathways, with tailored facility layouts and quality dialysis fluids.
With our clinic infrastructure set-up we aim to facilitate proper hygiene, safety and optimized patient supervision.

Terapias, produtos e medicações

With NephroCare, we are able to provide an optimal therapy mix - in center, at home, in hospitals - fitting to our patient population and the needs of healthcare systems.
For tailored therapies our patients benefit from our experience in patient-specific therapy prescriptions with our Fresenius Medical Care products and high-quality medicinal products.
You can benefit from our innovative products and technology – Your wellbeing and safety is always the highest priority.
For further information about our advanced products please refer to the Fresenius Medical Care website.

Médicos, enfermeiros e especialistas

Highly-motivated, -trained and -experienced physicians, nurses and specialists are key in renal patient care.
In a clinical setting, not only technology and medical expertise are essential. Our professionals also provide a human and emotional link with the patients.
Please see our treatment options for more information.

Gerenciamento da qualidade

To achieve the appropriate integration of these quality requirements into our structured processes.
A core element of our quality management system consists of corporate directives specifying key requirements for the processes in our NephroCare organisation, e.g. by setting standards for hygiene and infection control, good dialysis care, water, concentrate and dialysis fluid for haemodialysis and related therapies.

Desempenho clínico e operacional

In order to provide sustainable and value-based healthcare, our multidisciplinary center teams of different professions come together to jointly manage our dialysis centers.
Monitoring tools support our professionals to measure the achievement of performance targets. It serves to guide continuous improvement.

Sistema de informações da clínica

No improvement without data. EuCliD®, NephroCare’s proprietary clinical management system provides comprehensive information of each dialysis treatment and patient, allowing the medical staff in the NephroCare centres to take the right decisions to improve the treatment for each individual patient.

It facilitates the day-to-day work of the clinical staff, integrating processes into the data collection flow.
Directly linked to the dialysis machines, the monitoring system feeds patient data and medical parameters from dialysis sessions into the data management system, which also checks the data for completeness and plausibility.

Toda a coleta de dados é realizada rigorosamente de acordo com as leis de proteção de dados e as informações são armazenadas de forma anônima para evitar a identificação de pacientes.

Tópicos relacionados

A Fresenius Medical Care está continuamente desenvolvendo conceitos para um futuro sustentável.

Missão e visão, rede/possibilidades internacionais e valores de NephroCare, o segmento de serviços da Fresenius Medical Care.